Saturday, September 25, 2010

the site specific projects

the agents' projects have been going on all afternoon - with distinct approaches taken to the subject of site specific. how did the agents bridge the public realm gaps?

agent porter looked at the derivation of the name West Bromwich. Bromwich comes from the yellow plant, the broom. he purchased three wooden brooms and sprayed them yellow - and then placed them in a series of situated positions. the use of the brooms also offered ideas of "new broom - sweeping away the old" and in that way - regeneration. the idea would be that the public would notice them almost subconciously.

agent cooper-willis looked at the dual public dissatisfaction with two West Brom features - The Public and the new tesco development.
She constructed out of waste cardboard fruit boxes an "anti" supermarket called The Private - and placed it in the target zone. It obviously resembled the public, with its pinkness and windows - and its tesco produce which was left inside for the public to take if they went to investigate.

Agent goodenough identified a need to give the people of west bromwich a chance to express some positive feelings about their hometown. Using balloons, symbols of party, enjoyment and celebration, she approached members of the public and asked them to blow up the balloon themselves and then write their thoughts about the town on the balloon. once done the balloon was left in the space to attract other members of the public and spread the sentiment found.

agent taylor pursued a similarly positive approach - finding ways to make people smile and notice and celebrate their surroundings. she made some ad hoc signs promoting the town and found unusual places to display them. her slightly absurd pigeon factory signs and associated pigeons referenced the areas most sociable inhabitants and offered a slightly different, more positive slant to the normally vilified birds.

early in the day, both agents identified a common desire to be positive about the town and more importantly to give its inhabitants a forum to express their feelings about west brom in a positive way. they decided to have a party. but this would be no ordinary party - but a positive party. invitations were made up and given out, inviting people to congregate by the clock in the target zone at 3pm. the ad hoc congregation took the chance to indulge in the free party fayre and engage in talk about their town giving their opinions which may ordinarily remain unheard.

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